Tahitian Guard (Lining) "Sheer Blue" [SBK4112]

Tahitian Guard (Lining) "Sheer Blue" [SBK4112]

Our Selling Price / 販売価格: 7,850円(Yen)(tax included)

重み: 100g

商品数× 完売しました!

Item Description / 商品詳細

AQUXの売れ筋商品であるTahitian Guard。



品質:ナイロン 80% / ポリウレタン 20%

サイズ : M
身長 : 170cm / 胸囲 : 101cm / ウエスト : 78cm / ヒップ : 90cm



The Tahitian Guard is one of AQUX's best-selling products.
This color scheme is a reissue!
This item has been the subject of many customer inquiries.
It is made of a transparent fabric, but also has a lining.


※Not recommended for use in public places.


Size : S/M/L/LL/LLL
Content : Nylon   80% / Polyurethane 20%
Japan Made

Size : M
Height : 170cm / Chest : 101cm / Waist : 78cm / Hip : 90cm


Detailed size chart here.

■Please note that our swimwear sizes are one or two sizes smaller than US and European standard.
■To adjust waist, just pull the lace inside. Do not make it into a knot.


  • 5
    Beautiful Sheer Blue Swimmer
    By Anonymous
    Beautiful Sheer Blue Swimmer Panties by AQUX has a modesty lining for being comfortable on beach and pool deck for the shyness in you. When laying in waistband there will be some of you exposed in small gap not lined. Long time favorite design from AQUX. I Inspected Panties before signing for delivery.
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  • 5
    By Anonymous
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